Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I Guess I'm a Bad Blogger

It's been a while since I've been here to write anything. It gets discouraging when no one stops in though and says HI. I try to also but I know life gets in the way.

Jesse's drama club is full steam ahead for the play. It may be called Just Imagine or The Daydreamer. Their not sure yet. She's having fun though and she's so expressive. I just can't believe it really.

Other than that nothing's going on. Just boring old stuff.


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

365 Project

Well I don't think I'm gonna put anymore of the 365 LOs on the blog. It's too time consuming for one thing so I'm calling it quits with posting them.

Thanks are slowly getting back to normal around here but I'm still not back in my normal routine.

Lynn did the ADSR challenge 10 and she had to ask me questions and do a LO. She did a fab job on it. It's really awesome.

Talk later

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Ice Storm of 2009

Well it's been a hell of a ride this week. Monday we had an ice storm to hit. We got about three inches of ice here. Then it snowed a little. We didn't get as much as they thought we would. Thank goodness for that.

The power went out Tuesday night. So no heat or lights and of course no internet. LOl I missed it some but not as bad as I thought I would. Thankfully we had a kerosene heater and that was a lot when there's no heat at all. Of course we had food in the freezer and fridge. So I was worried about that and the fact we couldn't drink the eater. I had ran three gallons as soon as the power went out though. I also ran water through the good old Bunn coffee maker to get a pot of coffee and put it in the carafe for the next day. I gotta have my coffee. I am very grumpy without it.

I was running low on kerosene and had a half tank and my little brother said well hell that'll only last 6 hours. So he brought me some up Wednesday night. He filled the heater and left me some. Then I talked to Bob and he was close enough that he said he thought they'd let hi come home. So he got home about 1 am. I feel a lot safer when he's around. He had to go out though so Jesse and I went to Mom's to stay. We got a shower and god that felt so good. I took what we had in the deep freezer over to her house. She cooked all of it. I was so glad it didn't go bad. That was a relief.

Kentucky has been called a disaster area now though. The govenor called the National Gaurd out and they were suppose to start checking door to door today to check on people. Western KY got hit the hardest they said. Tree branches are down everywhere and electrical poles have been snapped in half and we saw one that had been broke in three parts. It was just unreal when I first saw all of it. It's amazing what mother nature can do. I feel so sorry for the lineman out there fixing the lines. And anyone else in it that's helping folks out. The American Red Cross has set up two or three shelters here in the county to help out too.

But we're home now and have heat and can use the water but still have to conserve on it.