Friday, August 28, 2009


We went to the state fair on Monday with Michelle and Kaya. We went to the World Championship Horse Show and she loved it. It wasn't my cup of tes but the reason I went was for her.
It was my first time going to it. I have never wanted to go and didn't have the desire to go to it but it was kind of fun.

The rest of the week was spent at home just hanging out and homeschooling. Nothing glamorous. Oh we did go to Mom's for two days.

I got her health book and a new World History book. So we start those next week. Now I need to find her a good reading list.

I started getting more scrapping done, finally. I have been in such a funk lately and haven't really done any. I have kept up with my 365 and it has helped to scrap about thigs that have happened.

Well til next time
Be safe and be good

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Well we finally had to make the awful decision to have Tanner put down. He had two seizures Monday and another one Tuesday. They really did a number on him this time. He was acting different this time after having them and it lasted far longer than it had before. He wouldn't lay down, eat or sleep. He didn't use the bathroom for a day and a half. Do I called the vets office to take him in. I knew this time we would have to do it. We had thought of it before but never went through with it. I just couldn't don it, ya know. We got to the vet's and he looked at him and said he was healthy. Jesse told him about him being hit by the car last year and then he started having the seizures about 6 months later. He said that was probably what caused them and it was brain trauma. Well I kind of knew this. He talked to us about the seizures and meds. he said they may work or may not that he couls still have them. He also started talking about brain damage and that was why he probably didn't eat or go out. That the nerves in his brain had went haywire and he forgot how to. So he said it was more humane to have him put to sleep. (don't ya just love that damn term) So we decided to. Tanner seemed like he came around for just a few seconds and he looked at me with those big brown calf eyes he had as if to say It's ok mommy. Then he went back to the staring . So the vet gave him a sedative and when it started taking effect he had a small seizure and I held him in my arms and told him it was OK just go to sleep and the pain will stop. You won't suffer anymore puppy. He went to sleep after the sedative took effect. Then the vet gave him the shot. He layed in my arms til he went to sleep forever. He took three deep breaths and he was gone. Forever. I'll never see him again. God I miss him too.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

A boring Saturday

Hey everyone. Good morning. It's early for me and usually I'm not up this time but around 10 or 11 am. I was up til 3 am and up at 6 am. Bob had to leave. Bobby and Benjamin stayed the night because Bobby was going to take Bob to Sellersburg, IN to pick his truck up. It had to be worked on. So early day.

Not much has been going on. I started walking a few months ago. I figured I needed to get off my fat ass and get to moving. So I have stopped so many Cokes and snacks. I did it for my diabetes so I could get a better grip on it. It still runs high but not as high as it was. Instead of being in the 2 and 3 hundreds now it's like 150 to 191. So that's good for me. Plus I have lost 33 pounds now. YAY me.

We started back to homeschooling this week. I can't believe it went as smooth as it did. She did great. No complaining, crying or a fit. She did everything even math. So good job to Jesse.

So I guess today I'll clean house since Bob is gone. Need to finish up the laundry. Joy joy. LMAO

Talk later