Sunday, April 5, 2009


Hey everyone. Well most of you know I homeschool Jesse. I've been homeschooling her since she was three. Of course 'officially' it's been about 4 years. Our school year will end June 12 and I'm already worried about next years curriculum. A wonderful Mom and Friend, Michelle, had us over and let me go through her stuff and she gave us a lot. As a matter of fact I have just about everything for next year. I guess a health curricula is the only thing I'm missing and I don't know if I have to teach it or not every year.
I drive myself crazy about this every damn year. Am I teaching her the right things, what should I buy and on and on it goes. So this year I'm not going to stress out about it as much as I usually do. That's what I'll keep telling myself anyway. LOL

She's doing good in all subjects except for math. So now I'm faced with this question, to advance her to 5th grade or keep her back? I'm totally arguing with myself on this one. Of course Bob says do what you think is best. Jesse is just tee totally pissed off about it. She was so mad at me when dshe heard me talking to her daddy about it. So solution still not found.

Oh well enough for today.
Take care

1 comment:

Intense Magic said...

All the best to you in making your's for sure not an easy one!! If you decide to hold her back, she will not like it but she will get over it and understand one day :) I'm sure she's a really bright girl! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!